New Life for New Eyes
About Us
Eye Life International, Inc. (ELI) was established in 2010 to address the severe levels of corneal blindness in countries that face challenges in providing adequate donor transplant services.
ELI is located in the Baltimore - Washington metropolitan area on the east coast of the United States, home to many of the world's best medical institutions, such as the United States National Institutes of Health and the Johns Hopkins Medical Center.

From its home office in Maryland, ELI facilitates eye tissue distribution and coordinates training programs for international surgeons. ELI launched its first program in 2010 in the Republic of Georgia, and is now entering its 12 successful year working with more than 20 countries!

The company was founded by Elena Vialova, a former ophthalmologist with an MD from MNTK Fyodorov's State Institute.

Elena joined the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery as an International Relations specialist in 2001 - 2021.

Elena joined the Wilmer Eye Institute at the Johns Hopkins University Medical Center in 2005 - 2015.

Establishment Registration and Listing (PDF)
Mission Statement
ELI seeks to contribute to the global effort to reverse and prevent cornea blindness through provision of donor tissue, patient consultation coordination, medical training advancement, and logistics around the world.

Eye Life International (ELI) supports development of innovative educational programs for international doctors, and coordinates educational training for doctors in previously underserved areas of the world.
Our News & Services
  • Sight restoration program launched in Basra, Iraq collaborated with Turkish government (please see the attached pictures). The program is provided for low-income patients including children and elderly, and has already helped to restore vision for 500 patients.
  • During distributing support ELI and US eye banks provides doctors with the resources and information they need, so patients get the care they deserve.
  • Eye Life International Inc. (ELI) along with many US eye and tissue banks was able to organize 2 humanitarian shipments of desperately needed allograft tissue to aid in the treatment of wounded civilians and soldiers in the Ukrainian – Russian war (please see the attached letters).
  • ELI provides coordination and logistics of services for doctors from countries around the world (training programs, facilities, consulting and financial services, individual programs).
  • ELI along with 25 US Eye banks have been working to improve sights in Egypt for more that 10 years. After many years on the waiting list, the poor communities in Egypt finally have the opportunity to immediately restore vision with a cornea transplant procedure. Since 2018, ELI supported many cornea DMEK training programs in Egypt and DALK training workshops (please see the attached pictures).
  • Develops innovative international training programs in medicine.

    ELI plans to become a nonprofit in 2023.
Boards of Advisors
Elena Vialova
The company founder, Elena Vialova, an ophthalmologist from former USSR with an MD from MNTK Fyodorov's State Institute. Elena joined the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery as an International Relations specialist in 2001. In 2005, she joined the Wilmer Eye Institute at the Johns Hopkins University Medical Center. Nowadays, she is retired from both organization to give more attention for ELI development and growth.
  • Elena Vialova
    The company founder, Elena Vialova, an ophthalmologist from former USSR with an MD from MNTK Fyodorov's State Institute. Elena joined the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery as an International Relations specialist in 2001. In 2005, she joined the Wilmer Eye Institute at the Johns Hopkins University Medical Center. Nowadays, she is retired from both organization to give more attention for ELI development and growth.
  • Gerald Cole
    ELI consultant
    30 years of experience
    in eye banking services.
  • Misha Omiadze
    MD, PhD
    Republic of Georgia
  • Irina Pankova
    New York
    United States of America
  • Daliya Dzhaber
    United States of America
  • Prof. Mohamed Abd
    Elhameed Kabeel
    MD & FRCS
  • Prof. Tarek
    MD & FRCS
  • Prof. Mohamed
    MD & FRCS
ELI Contractors
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Our Contacts
21627 Gunpowder Rd
Manchester, MD 21102, USA
Dr. Elena Vialova

+1 (410) 419-4443
Vladimir Vialov
(tech support)
+1 (410) 967-5091
Dr. Mohamed Sarhan

+1 (872) 484-7620, +20 (11) 1000-2889